Illumina Sequencing

If you used a core facility, Azenta, or another commercial service for sequencing, they will send link to directly download the de-multiplexed FASTQ files, usually with corresponding md5 checksums.

For instructions on how to download data from Azenta's sFTP server, click here.


sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) provides an encrypted channel for data transfer.\ The md5 checksum is a unique character sequence that is computed from the contents of a file and changes if the file is modified. Read the original RFC 1321.

Otherwise, consult the documentation for the appropriate Illumina sequencer:

BaseSpace and the bs command-line interface

The browser-based interface is useful for small-scale projects, but the command-line interface is more efficient for large-scale projects. Check out examples.

Install on macOS using Homebrew:

brew tap basespace/basespace && brew install bs-cli

otherwise, download the latest version from Illumina:

wget "" -O "$basespace_executable"
chmod +x "$basespace_executable"
# add to PATH
# echo "export PATH=$install_directory:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
# or add an alias
# echo "alias bs=$basespace_executable" >> ~/.bashrc

After installation, authenticate with your BaseSpace credentials:

bs authenticate

Follow link and login with illumina credentials, then run 'bs whoami' to verify that you are authenticated:

| Name           | Ryan Najac                                         |
| Id             | ########                                           |
| Email          |                          |
| DateCreated    | 2021-07-13 15:29:51 +0000 UTC                      |
| DateLastActive | 2024-06-03 18:59:47 +0000 UTC                      |
| Host           |                 |
| Scopes         | READ GLOBAL, CREATE GLOBAL, BROWSE GLOBAL,         |
|                | MOVETOTRASH GLOBAL, WRITE GLOBAL                   |

Demultiplexing Illumina sequencing data

Illumina instruments will demultiplex the data for you if you provide a valid sample sheet prior to sequencing. For more information on how to create a sample sheet, consult the Illumina Support page.

Skip ahead to the Quality Control section if the FASTQ files are already demultiplexed and ready for analysis, or keep reading for instructions on how to demultiplex the data yourself.

Illumina hosts .rpm files for CentOS/RedHat Linux distros and the source code (which must be compiled) for other distros.

Download bcl2fastq2 Conversion Software v2.20 Installer (Linux rpm) from Illumina.

The AWS EC2 instance used for this project is based on Ubuntu, so we will have to convert the .rpm file to a .deb file using the alien package, as per this post.

sudo alien -i bcl2fastq2-v2.20.0.422-Linux-x86_64.rpm


As of 2024-08-05, bcl2fastq is no longer supported; use bclconvert instead.\ You can install bclconvert using the same methods as described above.

Read the docs:

Quality Control


mkdir -p ./fastqc
for f in ./*.fastq.gz; do fastqc -o ./fastqc --noextract --memory 1024 "$f" & done; wait
Created by Ryan D. Najac for the Palomero Lab at the Institute for Cancer Genetics.
Page last updated on 2025-02-04.